So, as some of you may or may not know, there is a slight... no, big chance that we (meaning me + parents + yorkie-poodle) are moving... to a land far far away called ******. (Sorry all you stalkers out there but I cannot reveal where it is... as for the rest of you who actually personally know me, you should know where I'm talking about.) FRANKLY, yes, it is most likely going to take place, and yes, I will be "going, going, gone". So, just recently I began researching my possible new schools... and guess what? NONE OF THEM TEACH THE TAGALOG LANGUAGE.
For those of you who don't know what it is?
Honestly, I don't either.
But apparently it must be important if it's on the "Languages we DO NOT teach" list. I mean, I don't know anyone who has said to me "Oh man, I can't wait until I get to high school so that I can take Tagalog" but apparently there are some people who do.
I guess.
Anyway, so I will keep you posted about the move... literally.
Ha. Ha ha.
Oh yeah, and a Happy Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday to you, too. (If you happen to celebrate it.)