
Fast Friends

On my birthday my friend came over with her dumbo rat to meet my own.* They were fast friends!! Here is a pic of them. They are SO cute when they're together....since Willow(left) is 6 months old(& Onyx is 1 month) and has more...experience..with humans(I guess,)- it seemed like she showed Onyx(right) how to behave and such. By the end of the day Onyx-the usually frisky restless one- was cuddling in my lap...not unlike Willow in my friend's lap(: Talk about monkey-see-monkey-do, right? That night was the best though...
Willow discovered she could break out of her travel cage(a bird cage) by lifting up the bars- so we had to put her cage up against Onyx's so she couldn't escape. It was HILARIOUS- her face of surprise was classic. She kept lifting and shutting it over and over and over...XD

However then she kept stealing Onyx's blanket by grabbing it with her teeth and pulling it through her cage....bahaha!
Hopefully Onyx doesnt pick up those traits too. X3

*We got Onyx a few days before my birthday--she is basically my "birthday gift" even though I bought her...? A month old...white underside with black on the top side..white diamond on her head...she's really adventurous. (:

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