
Random Thought - 8/25

Haven't posted a 'Random Thought' in a while- so I thought I would.
This week...I don't have anything particularly deep or anything, so I am just going to state a few *random* things.
1. When you are angry, the blood rushes to your head, therefore making your eye color go darker for the time being.
2. Since I forgot to put on sunblock...I now have freckles across the cheeks from swimming in PE. NOOO!
3. I found a cockroach in my shorts after PE yesterday. *cringes*
4. Beautiful Creatures is actually a really amazing book.
5. Ice-blocking is difficult...and scary. Fun, though.
6. My English teacher really loves the Hunger Games series.
7. Found out the really immature guy(that I complained about) that used to sit in front of me in Math is actually related to a girl in my grade...oops.
8. Playlist.com SUCKS. I add a song- they mess it up and give me a retarded version of it. ...Sorry for the stupid songs on there....

And that's about it.
I'm gunna wrap it up now.

Love Mwa <3

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